The Woman at My Wedding by L.G. Davis / #Review #BooksOnTour @bookouture @LGDavisAuthor

Broken Vows Book 1

I’ve dreamed of this day forever. But will it be my last?

My stomach flutters with happiness as I try on my wedding dress. In just a few weeks I’m going to marry Nathan, the love of my life, and everything will be perfect.

We are estranged from Nathan’s mother, so I’m shocked when Debbie arrives, suitcase in hand. She says she’s moving in to help with the wedding preparations. But what is she hiding behind her pleasant smile? Is it possible she knows my darkest secret?

As the wedding draws closer, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m in danger. Beautiful cake toppers are delivered to my doorstep, but the bride’s face is smashed in. My veil goes missing, taken from my bedroom overnight. Has someone been inside my room, watching me while I sleep?

I won’t let anyone ruin my perfect day. And yet as I’m walking down the aisle, I find myself scanning my guests’ faces, searching for a woman with hatred in her gaze.

But when I look up, it’s Nathan’s eyes that are cold and strange. Has the man I love realised he knows nothing about me?

Then the terrible truth hits me. I was wrong about everything.

And I think I’m going to pay with my life…




This is such a great time. The weeks before your wedding where you can pick the things you want to have and dream about that wonderful day that lays ahead. When the date of the big day gets closer and closer, you see it all come together.

This goes for Brynn too. She cannot wait to say yes to the love of her life, but it seems like someone does not want this to happen.

A lot of unpleasant things start to happen, but Brynn is determined. No one is going to stop her form exchanging her vows with Nathan.

And that’s when the author starts dropping a few bombs…

Every book I have read by this author has been a compelling read. The characters are great and you are fascinated by them. It’s very easy to love some of them and dislike others deeply.

This was a book with a gripping plot and wonderful twists. A must read for the fans of this kind of stories. I cannot wait for the second book in the series. 5 stars

Thank you


About the Author

Author L.G. Davis (Liz) creates fast-paced, unpredictable, twisty-turny, psychological thrillers set in small towns. She strives to create characters that feel so real that her readers would want to meet them in real life. She loves to set her thrillers in small towns that, at first sight, look picturesque, but upon closer inspection, dark secrets, and dangerous minds threaten the residents.

In addition to being an author, Liz is a self-taught digital artist who enjoys transforming a blank canvas into anything she can imagine.

Her greatest joys in life consist of spending time with her family, reading a good book, watching a great movie, or daydreaming about the next story she wants to bring to life in the future.

Liz Grace Davis was born in a refugee camp in Angola, where she spent the first eight years of her life. She grew up in Angola, Namibia, South Africa, and Germany. She now lives with her husband and their two children in Vienna, Austria.


Author Links

Twitter: @LGDavisAuthor


Instagram: @lgdavisauthor

TikTok: @lgdavisbooks




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