Chocolate on a Tree by Robert Peprah-Gyamfi / #Review @PeprahGyamfi



Based on the author’s own childhood memories, Chocolate on a Tree tells the story of a young boy, Kofi Mensah, growing up in a rural village in 1960s Ghana. Through a beautifully told story, you learn all the facts about cocoa and how it is made into chocolate.




A choclate bar, chocolate mousse, a hot chocolate, chocolate cakes or tarts … All these things are so normal for us. We have them at home to enjoy any time we feel like it or there is so much choice in the supermarkets we hardly know which one to pick. But I have realized, after having read this book, that I never stop and think about what happens before chocolate is ‘born’. 

This the story about little cocoa beans being born on a tree and growing up into this great delicacy that is so often to difficult to resist. 🙂

What we also don’t take in consideration is the back breaking work the farmers do to enable millions of people to enjoy this black gold. And this is what this book is all about. It’s written for children which means it’s very well explained and the text is accompanied by drawings to make it even more clear. 

For us chocolate is part of our every day life. It’s very hard to imagine that some people did not ever have the chance or the pleasure to enjoy a piece.

I wonder what will happen next in this boy and his family’s life. 5 stars.

 Thank you, Robert Peprah-Gyamfi


About the author

I was born in Ghana in a tiny village called Mpintimpi. I faced many difficulties and challenges, surviving illnesses and horrendous treatment by traditional doctors. Eventually, I moved to Germany where I qualified as a family doctor in 2001. In 2006 I moved to the UK. I combine my work as a doctor with that of writing and evangelism.


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