Until the War is Over by Rosemary Goodacre / #Interview #BlogTour @BOTBSPublicity @RoseGoodacre



In a world destroyed by war, can hope survive?

Summer 1918: Young couple Amy and Edmond Derwent, after their experiences on the front line of battle – Edmond as an officer and Amy as a VAD in France – have now settled back in England and are starting to build a life as a family, with the arrival of baby Beth bringing them much-needed joy. But while she may have married into the wealthy Derwent family, now living with her in-laws in their grand home, Amy’s modest upbringing means that she is never truly accepted by Edmond’s family.

The Great War rages on, and while the men are off fighting, those left at home steel themselves for tragic news, praying that their loved ones return safely.

Edmond, still struggling with the effects of the injury he sustained at Ypres, feels the guilt of remaining at home while his friends are sent into battle. But life at Larchbury is not without its own problems – as food becomes scarce, and the Spanish Influenza causes deaths throughout England, tragedy strikes closer to home and it seems no one is safe from heartbreak.

Can Amy and Edmond keep their love strong, even in a world crumbling all around them?




Thank you very much for welcoming me to your blog.

1. Do you always take a book/e-reader wherever you go?

I usually have reading matter with me, if I expect to have some time to read, either on transport or waiting for an appointment. It may be a book, newspaper or magazine, or just a sudoku to tackle.

2. Say someone asks if they can use your name in a book. Would you rather be the ‘good one’ or the ‘bad one’?

I’d prefer not to have my name used, but might agree if the story is historical. I’d prefer to be a good character. Rosemary Goodacre is my real name (with my married surname) and I’ve been told it sounds like a romantic character from the past – perhaps from the countryside of Thomas Hardy!

3. Where can I find you when you are reading?

I’ll read at home, in the garden on a sunny day, on trains, on a beach, almost anywhere in fact.

4. Where can I find you when you are not writing/reading?

At present we’re under lockdown, but I’m hoping normal life will resume soon. Then I might be walking around the local wildlife reserve. I could be meeting my writing buddies at The Write Place Creative Writing School at Hextable, or playing bridge.

I love travel, so I might be exploring a foreign country. Last year we went on a tour of Albania and North Macedonia, a fascinating area where there are Muslim and Eastern Orthodox influences.

5. Can you walk past a bookstore without going inside?

If I walk past I’m compelled to look in the window. I also read the book reviews in the Sunday paper.

6. What are you most proud of?

For over twenty years I worked as an Adult Education tutor. I would get a good deal of satisfaction from extending the knowledge of my students, sometimes improving their job prospects and self-confidence.

7. What goes through your mind when you hold your new book in your hands for the first time?

I’ll be thrilled when it happens, as it’s an e-book at present. I’d love to see it in paperback and actually hold it. Meanwhile, I’m delighted that Hera Books enjoyed my stories enough to publish them, and that readers too like exploring the world I’ve created.

8. What piece of advice would you give to aspiring writers?

It’s important to get the dialogue right for the character and their background. If the book is historical you should try not to use anything which sounds too modern. Reading other books set in the same era, but written nearer the time, should give you an idea of how people spoke then.

9. Who would you like/have liked to interview?

I’m fascinated by Eleanor of Aquitaine, who lived in the 12th century and led a very full and adventurous life, especially for a medieval woman. Her first marriage made her Queen of France, and a few years later she went to the Holy Land on the Second Crusade. Then her second marriage made her Queen of England, raising children and consolidating a large Plantagenet empire. She faced setbacks too: opposing her husband led to her being held prisoner for around a decade. In later life she acted as Regent for her son King Richard when he went on the Third Crusade.

10. When and where do you prefer to write?

We have a computer in one spare room, but I use my laptop in another room, which is more of my own den. I cleared it a good deal, only to have the space taken over with belongings from one of my sons, so it’s not as orderly as I’d like. It seems to work best if I write in the afternoon, and sometimes the evening.

It’s been lovely visiting your site, thank you so much for having me as your guest.

Thank you, Rosemary Goodacre and Book On The Bright Side Publicity & Promo


About the author

Rosemary Goodacre is thrilled to have a three book deal with Hera Books. Her World War I romance Until We Meet Again was published on 31/10/19.
Previously Rosemary has had a novella published, entitled A Fortnight is not Enough, and a science fiction story in the anthology Telescoping Time.
Rosemary has always loved languages and travel, mainly in Europe. In her spare time she enjoys country walking, bridge and classical music. She lives in Kent, England.


Author Links

Twitter: @RoseGoodacre




Book Link

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Untitled-Book-2-Rosemary-Goodacre-ebook/dp/B07VDBZDRS/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=until+the+war+is+over+rosemary&qid=1588424041&s=digital-text&sr=1-1