52 Weeks of Writing Journal by Mariëlle S. Smith / #Extract #BlogTour @RABTBookTours


Tired of not having a sustainable writing practice? You, too, can get out of your own way and become the writer you’re meant to be!

52 Weeks of Writing:

  • makes you plan, track, reflect on, and improve your progress and goals for an entire year;
  • helps you unravel the truth about why you aren’t where you want to be; and
  • keeps you writing through weekly thought-provoking quotes and prompts.

With this second volume of the 52 Weeks of Writing Author Journal and Planner, writing coach and writer Mariëlle S. Smith brings you the same successful strategies to craft the perfect writing practice as she did in the first journal. The only difference? Fifty-three different writing quotes and prompts and a brand-new look!




Thank you, Mariëlle S. Smith and Rabt Book Tours


About the author 

Mariëlle S. Smith is a coach for writers and other creatives, an editor, and a (ghost) writer. Early 2019, she moved to Cyprus, and island in the Mediterranean Sea, where she organises private writer’s retreats, is inspired 24/7, and feeds more stray cats than she can count.


Author Links 

Website: https://mswordsmith.nl

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mswordsmith

Blog: https://mswordsmith.nl/blog/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18455235.Mari_lle_S_Smith

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariellessmith/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtnYOpjmj83mvMM2L348F1w



Book Link

website: https://mswordsmith.nl/journal

52 Weeks of Writing Journal by Mariëlle S. Smith / #GuestPost #BlogBlitz @rararesources


Tired of not having a sustainable writing practice? You, too, can get out of your own way and become the writer you’re meant to be!

52 Weeks of Writing:

  • makes you plan, track, reflect on, and improve your progress and goals for an entire year;
  • helps you unravel the truth about why you aren’t where you want to be; and
  • keeps you writing through weekly thought-provoking quotes and prompts.

With this second volume of the 52 Weeks of Writing Author Journal and Planner, writing coach and writer Mariëlle S. Smith brings you the same successful strategies to craft the perfect writing practice as she did in the first journal. The only difference? Fifty-three different writing quotes and prompts and a brand-new look!



Guest Post

How to work 52 weeks of writing

52 Weeks of Writing consists of various elements. Some return every week, others each quarter, and again others only show up at the very start and/or end. Below, you will find a short overview of the different elements and what they’re for in order of appearance.


The Clarity section comes back each quarter and aims to get you clear on what makes you tick as a writer and what is in the way of your goals and dreams.


In the Goals section, we focus on your long-term goals. We start by where you see yourself in ten years, then in five years, three years, two, and so on. As you write down these goals, really try to visualise them. What will achieving them look like? How will it make you feel? How are you going to celebrate? The clearer you can envision yourself reaching your goals, the easier it will be to stay excited about them.

Your goals are not set in stone. They are meant to provide direction and focus, and can be adjusted at all times. This is why the author journal and planner checks in with your three-month to one-year goals each quarter. Perhaps you quickly realise that your one-year goal isn’t feasible, because it

means you need to get more done within six months than you can possibly pull off. Simply go back to the goals you’ve set and tweak where necessary.

Don’t forget every writer has their own personal goals, so don’t think about what others are doing or aiming for. What is reasonable for you? Some of us have the privilege to have all day to write, while others are lucky to carve out thirty minutes four days a week. Likewise, some writers will want to go with traditional publishing, while others prefer going indie. These different routes come with different steps to take, so make sure you reflect on those as well as you set your goals.


The weekly Planning section is where you get to plan your week ahead and break down your bigger goals for the week into smaller pieces. If you have no idea what is realistic for you at this point, that’s OK. You have fifty-two weeks to go, so there is ample opportunity to test your limits. Just start somewhere; you’ll soon learn whether you need to ask more or less of yourself.


The weekly Tracking section is where you reflect on whether you achieved your weekly goal(s) and think of ways how to do better next time.

Writing quotes and prompts

Every week starts with a writing quote to keep you inspired, and ends with a writing prompt or exercise designed to make you grow as a writer in all ways imaginable. Some prompts will help you train your writing muscle, others your author mindset. Some might be easy, while others will push you right out of your comfort zone, asking you to dig as deep as you dare and broaden your horizon as far as you can or want to at this time. All prompts and exercises are optional, so if you ever feel it’s too much, don’t force yourself through it. Simply come back another time.


The quarterly Reflecting section invites you to think about how far you’ve come, what you’ve learned, and what you are most grateful for.

Goal overview

The Goal overview at the end of the author journal and planner provides an overview of all your goals of the year, whether or not you achieved them, and the lessons you’ve learned.

Whether you want to update the Goal overview weekly, monthly, quarterly, or at the end of the year is entirely up to you, as long as you keep reflecting on your progress. There’s a reason why this author journal and planner includes so many questions to ponder: if we don’t sit with and look at where we’ve been and where we are now, we miss the opportunity to learn and improve and become the writers we were always meant to be.

Thank you, Mariëlle S. Smith and Rachel’s Random Resources


About the author 

Mariëlle S. Smith is a coach for writers and other creatives, an editor, and a (ghost) writer. Early 2019, she moved to Cyprus, and island in the Mediterranean Sea, where she organises private writer’s retreats, is inspired 24/7, and feeds more stray cats than she can count.


Author Links 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mswordsmith

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariellessmith/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtnYOpjmj83mvMM2L348F1w



Book Links





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