Can I Give My Husband Back? by Kristen Bailey / #Review #BooksOnTour @bookouture @mrsbaileywrites



It’s normal to prefer getting a filling at the dentist’s to spending time with your husband, right?

I thought I was sorted on the life front. I was a heart surgeon with a loving partner and two gorgeous little girls. Except my husband’s version of ‘loving’ is lying, cheating and sleeping his way around London. Which means I definitely deserve a refund.

Unfortunately, moving on isn’t that simple. Just because I know how to operate on a heart doesn’t mean I know how to fix my broken one. Plus, I lost the receipt for him years ago so I’m definitely getting short changed.

But now I’m single, am I ready to mingle? There are a few minor issues:

1) The last time I went on a date double denim was in fashion and my eyebrows were horrendously overplucked.
2) Men wear stupidly skinny jeans now.
3) I don’t know how to use dating apps but at least I don’t have to get changed out of my pyjamas.
4) Sometimes the most promising thing you have in common with a guy is a shared love of prawns.
5) I don’t know whether to open a date with ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ or ‘hey’ and once I ended up saying ‘howdy’.

Everything happens for a reason, they say. There’s plenty more fish in the sea. But what happens when everything falls apart and you haven’t got a clue how to go fishing?




Oh my, what a delightful book! I already had one author on my list of ‘writes hilarious books’, but this author most certainly deserves a place on it too.

She already had me in stiches while I read ‘Has Anyone Seen My Sex Life?‘ where she focusses on Meg, the eldest of 5 sisters. Now it’s time to put the spotlight on Emma, but the other family members are very much present as well.

The women are all great, but Lucy is my favorite. She tells it like it is and takes no prisoners, but she is also very kind and protective towards her loved ones.

Every ending is the beginning of something new, but starting over is not so simple. You are afraid to get hurt again and you rather like to hide in your own little safe shell. It would be no problem, if you had no sisters like Emma has. Although they are sometimes (well often actually) quite pushy, they do it with only the best intentions. What does not kill you makes you stronger and Emma blossoms without a doubt.

She changes from a little mouse into a tigress, but she keeps her heart of gold.

I suppose the author will write stories about the 3 remaining sisters too. That means I still have 3 funny books to look forward to. I can’t wait. 5 stars, of course.

Thank you, Kristen Bailey and Bookouture


About the author

Mother-of-four, gin-drinker, binge-watcher, receipt hoarder, enthusiastic but terrible cook. Kristen also writes. She has had short fiction published in several publications including Mslexia & Riptide. Her first two novels, Souper Mum and Second Helpings were published in 2016. In 2019, she was long listed in the Comedy Women in Print Prize and has since joined the Bookouture family. She writes women’s fiction and she hopes her novels have fresh and funny things to say about modern life, love and family.


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