Redemption – Alice May / #Interview #BlogTour @rararesources @AliceMay_Author



The house that sat down trilogy #3

Inspired by a true story, The House That Sat Down Trilogy is a tale of triumph over tragedy. It is an astonishing account of sudden, first-world homelessness in the heart of the New Forest, and the unexpected consequences. Written entirely from a mother’s point of view, following the collapse of her family’s home, it is an uplifting and positive read in spite of the subject matter, with a thread of wry humour throughout. Follow this ordinary woman on an extraordinary journey of survival and self discovery as she reels from disaster, before picking herself up and coming back stronger and wiser than before.
Packed with humorous observations about what it is like to live in a tent in your garden with your husband and four children after a significant part of your house falls down out of the blue one day, this story takes you from the depths of despair right through to the satisfying heights of success against the odds, with lots of tea and cakes on the way.

Follow this crazy family as they cope with disaster in their own truly unique and rather mad way, and celebrate each small triumph along the way with them.



Let us return to our favourite cottage in the country once again.

In this final instalment from the house that sat down, the family’s incredible journey is drawing to a close, leaving an unexpected bonus in its wake.

The cottage has been rebuilt and the family are moving on, but this tale has an astonishing legacy in store for our heroine, if she can find the courage to reach for it.




Hello, and thank you for having me on your blog.

– When and where do you prefer to write?

I spend so much of my time on the run, as I juggle working in school libraries with author speaking events, that I have had to adapt to writing anywhere and any when. I love writing in my local coffee shop, tucked away at the back, typing away while the gentle hum of the world carries on around me.

– Do you have a certain ritual?

There is so little time in my schedule that the closest thing I have to a ritual is making sure that I don’t think too much about where and when I am going to write in advance. I simply spot a window of opportunity, boot up the laptop – which is always with me – and get stuck in. It doesn’t take me long to get into my typing stride, fortunately.

– Is there a drink of some food that keeps you company while you write?

Something warm and caffeinated is a definite must. Writing with a skinny latte within touching distance means I am completely happy. I have also been known to indulge in toasted sandwich or two from time to time.

– What is your favourite book?

That’s a tricky one, because I simply love reading. There are too many really good books out there to limit myself to just one favourite. I don’t think I can choose. As long as there is a good plot and plenty of pace, I am easy to please. I love science fiction, uplit, contemporary fiction, crime, you name it, dependent on mood of course.

– Do you consider writing a different genre in the future?

Yes, one day I would like to write children’s fiction. I’ve had plenty of ideas, and love illustrating them, but have had no time to move that particular project forward as yet. All in good time… J

– Do you sometimes base your characters on people you know?

I definitely store certain interesting characteristics away for reference later on, but I am very cautious about basing characters too closely on people I actually know. I’d hate to offend someone. However, in order to create believable protagonists for any plot, you do have to feel as if you genuinely know them so, drawing on the interactions and reactions of the people around you is inevitable to some extent.

– Do you take a notebook everywhere in order to write down ideas that pop up?

Oh yes, definitely. Like most authors I have multiple notebooks, all with subsections divided up, so that I can jot ideas for different storylines down and also separate material for different chapters. My whole family know that a brand-new notebook is an ideal birthday or Christmas present for me. Such a treat!

– Which genre do you not like at all?

I wouldn’t say I don’t like a particular genre, but I have to confess that I can only read thrillers when I am feeling particularly resilient; otherwise I scare myself to death and I find that interferes with my general productivity. I do admire the skill it takes to write a really good thriller though.

– If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

I think I am far too much of a control freak to co-write a book with someone, the uncertainty of someone else steering the plot, or deciding how characters were developing and why, would be too much for me. I’d have to spend the entire time trying to be diplomatic and I’m not subtle enough for that.

– If you should travel to a foreign country to do research, which one would you chose and why?

Wow, great question, where do I start? I’d love to go to Iceland to be able to write from experience about the stunning scenery, but then I’d also like to go to the Caribbean for the beaches, the surfing and the parties. Perhaps I should come up with a plot that takes my characters from one to the other. Hmmm…good idea! Thank you. Now, where did I put my notebook? … J

Thank you, Alice May and Rachel’s Random Resources.


About the Author

I am a multi-tasking parent to four not-so-small children, and I am fortunate enough to be married to (probably) the most patient man on the planet.  We live in, what used to be, a ramshackle old cottage in the country. Our house began to fall down out of the blue one day, which resulted in the whole family living in a tent in the back garden for quite some time, while we worked out how to rebuild our home.

A few years afterwards, I decided to write a book and, once I started, I found I couldn’t stop.

Inspired by true-life events ‘Accidental Damage – tales from the house that sat down’ wouldn’t leave me alone until it was written.

Within six months of self-publishing my novel, I was delighted to learn that it had won two ‘Chill with a Book Awards’. This was a massive honour and motivated me to continue writing. Accidental Damage became the first book in a trilogy.

The Omnibus edition of all three books in the House That Sat Down Trilogy is now available via Amazon in both paperback and kindle format.


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Twitter: @AliceMay_Author

Instagram: alicemay_author_artist



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