The Wars Between US by J.A. Boulet / #Interview #BlogTour @RRBookTours1 @love_walk_life


Meet Zachary Olason, a bad boy struggling on the brink of alcoholism. During the Great Depression, Zack loses himself and spirals into nights of debauchery, riots and drunkenness. His twin brother, Adam, thinks lowly of him as his entire family struggles to help him.

But Zack is determined to make a mess of his life.

Until he meets a beautiful petite woman, half Cree and part British, who helps him to grow into a better version of himself.

Then just as he thinks life is getting better, he sinks to the bottom of hell. Will he survive from his own self-destruction?

The only way he sees out is to join the Canadian Navy.

The Battle of the Atlantic will either teach him or break him.




Do you need peace and quiet when you are writing?

I do need peace but not necessarily quiet. I enjoy listening to music while writing. Good soulful music stimulates my imagination incredibly well.

If you should travel to a foreign country to do research, which one would you chose and why?

I would go to Budapest, Hungary. I always wanted to write about the Hungarian Revolution. My parents were both born there and I have many relatives there that I’ve never met.

If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

Hmm, I’m not sure, lol, I guess it would be Ken Follett.

How do you come up with the names for your characters?

I research my character names extensively, starting with the mother tongue language of the parents, then the time period and gender. The name also needs to fit with the personality of the character and has to be easily abbreviated and pronounced.

How do you come up with a title for your book?

Titles are sometimes hard for me! I google the title first to see how many other books or movies are similar or the same. I look at other genre specific titles and compare. Titles are hard work!! How do you summarize your 75,000-word book into four words?? Lol

How do you pick a cover for your book?

I usually have a vision in my head when I write a book. It’s like a movie production in my head! I see the boat or the war field and the characters. With all this data floating in my head, I formulate the book cover in my mind long before I even contact my cover designer. When I am finished writing my book, I enlist help from museums with personally visiting and taking photos of artifacts, ships, boats, tanks, etc., then work some magic with my cover designer. With Book 3, I wasn’t able to take the photo myself because of Covid restrictions, so the museum photographer was an immense help with his photos! Greatly appreciate Douglas Struthers from the Canadian Naval Memorial Trust!

If a movie or series would be made from your books, would you be happy with the ‘based on’ version or would you rather like they showed it exactly the way you created it?

As with any artistic work/creation, there will undoubtably be changes to adapt to the screen. I am totally okay with minor changes, but I would be upset with major story changes, like changing a lead character or a personality. That stuff shouldn’t be done!

Have you already started writing a new book?

Not yet. Book 4 (final book of the series) will be started in September/October 2021. I am currently quite busy moving to my new house, selling my cottage and doing two book tours right now lol. Way too much going on!

Which book is the next one on your ‘to read’ pile?

I’m currently reading The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn by Robin Maxwell (Tudor period). I am really loving it. I donated three of my books to a local swap bookstore in the Gimli area (where the history in my books take place). The owner graciously offered three books in exchange; I only took two. The next book I will be reading is a nice steamy erotic romance, Bared to You by Sylvia Day. Looking forward to that one too!!

Thank you, J.A. Boulet and R&R Book Tours


About the author

J.A. Boulet is the passionate author of The Olason Chronicles, a historical saga of war, courage, love and strength. Her newest novel The Wars Between Us Book 3 is scheduled for release June 18, 2021 on Amazon. J. A. Boulet was born and raised in Western Canada as a first generation Canadian from European descent. Her father enlisted with the Hungarian military and fought bravely during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, changing sides to stand up for what he believed in. He was granted asylum in Canada and built his family here.

J.A. Boulet was born many years later, raised with strong morals and values, which she stands behind, to this day. She started writing poetry at the age of five and progressed to short stories and novels. She has a keen interest in settlers, healing, family bonds and military history. J. A. Boulet writes with a spine-tingling realism like none other, grabbing your emotions and refusing to let go. The Olason Chronicles is the series you’ve been waiting for. Watch for the final book (4) in the series, being scheduled for a 2022 release


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