Battle of the Bullies by Fenyx Blue / #Interview #BlogTour @pumpupyourbook @FenyxBlueInk


Ebony, Eris, and Emani Robertson have been through so much more than most high school freshmen. When they were younger, they survived a school shooting that killed their friend and left their oldest sister unable to speak. After giving homeschooling a try, they enroll in a promising new academy, hoping for the best.

The Robertson triplets soon discover, however, that their new classmates are anything but kind. A mysterious group of bullies known as the Dimes rules the hallways and spreads fear everywhere they go. All three sisters end up being targets of the gang and have to find a way to defend themselves. Can they bring down the Dimes while trying to make it through the ninth grade?




When and where do you prefer to write?

I work from home so I can write any time I like. I have a full-time editing job and I also teach novel writing online, so my biggest problem is finding time for my own writing. When I do, it’s great. I’m not good at writing creatively in the morning. I tend to be better at my editing job then. My best time for my own writing is the afternoon.

Do you need peace and quiet when you are writing?

I have a lovely office and I live in the countryside in a small village, so peace and quiet is all we have. I have never lived outside a city before and this is a completely new experience for me. Bird song, roosters crowing, the sounds of nature…

If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

I did try writing a book with a friend and we did not get on as co-writers. A bit like the Pushmi-Pullyu, I fear. We were both pulling in opposite directions. However, if I had to choose a top professional writer in my genre of middle grade fiction, it would be JK Rowling.

Say someone asks if they can use your name in a book. Would you rather be the ‘good one’ or the ‘bad one’?

The idea of being named in a book is such a wonderful opportunity, I don’t mind being either. As long as a character is well-written it will have appeal for readers. Even the baddies…

Who would you like/have liked to interview?

I would have loved to interview Terry Pratchett, the author and creator of the Discworld series. I have read and reread all his books. Failing Terry Pratchett, I would love to interview JK Rowing.

Where can I find you when you are reading?

You can find me on Goodreads at

Where can I find you when you are not writing/reading?

I am an avid Tweeter so find me on Twitter where I Tweet my opinions, interesting articles on all aspects of books and publishing, and also my book and movie reviews. My Twitter account is @FionaRobyn My blog is

What goes through your mind when you hold your new book in your hands for the first time?

It is a very strange feeling at first, a thrilling sensation that everything I worked on while writing and creating is now encapsulated in a real book. I am almost too scared to look inside in case someone has made a mistake somewhere…. But they never have. The books are always perfect. I have a wonderful designer.

How do you come up with a title for your book?

The first title is for Book One in the series, The Secret of the Sacred Scarab. The second is The Search for the Stone of Excalibur. The third is The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper. The first title came to me very easily when I started writing the book. As I wrote and devised more and more books, I found the titles also arose quite naturally, based on the theme of the adventure and the location.

How do you pick a cover for your book?

I don’t have to. I have a very creative and imaginative book artist who constantly wows me with her ideas. We look at some of the striking events in the book and pick an idea of an image. Then I do an unbelievably dreadful sketch of what I’d like to see. My artist goes away and comes back with initial drawings and we work with those. As you can see from Book Three’s cover, she is very gifted..

Thank you, Fenyx Blue and Pump Up Your Book


About the Author

Bold, Loving, Unapologetic, and Evolving are words to describe Fenyx Blue.

Ms. Blue is an author, Youtuber (FENYX BLUE INK), speaker, ministry leader, mentor, instructional coach and her school district’s former “Those Who Excel” Teacher of the Year.

Ms. Blue is a soldier in the Blue Fenyx movement encouraging every phoenix in the world to rise up. Blue’s mission is to inspire, motivate and educate. Blue speaks to audiences about their purpose and power and works to coach other authors through their journey to become published. Her novels are tools for teachers while being candy for students.

Fenyx Blue has penned four books in her poetic collection in which she shares true life tales and lessons: Her first Young Adult novel entitled Who Failed Johnny? (Book 1 of The Triplet Trilogy), second YA novel Battle of the Bullies, a Children’s book called Worth the Weight: A Rare Gem, and a Poetry Book by the name of The Blue Ink Movement. With the help of her extended family and friends network, her self-published books will touch many lives this year. Fenyx wants to paint the whole world BLUE.


Author Links


Twitter: @FenyxBlueInk

Facebook: Fenyx Blue Ink: Blue Writers Block




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