Two Truths by Dana C Carver / #Interview #BlogTour @zooloo2008 @DanaCCarver


After the mysterious death of her husband, Renee Morgan is determined to protect her three daughters, forcing her to face a history she has spent a lifetime avoiding.

Groomed by her father to join the most elite of secret societies, Brett knows she is destined for something great. But her ambition demands a high price.

Sara is ready to avenge her father at any cost. When she finds herself swept up in conspiracies and family secrets, her search for answers uncovers a primeval power.

Hadley watched her father die and now he won’t leave her alone. Guided by his ghost, she begins to experience memories of past lives.

As the journeys of Renee, Brett, Sara and Hadley converge, two Truths are revealed that change everything they knew about themselves and the world they live in.




When and where do you prefer to write?

My favourite spot is a dim lounge bar or restaurant in Wellington- but also my writing room at home on my farm.

Do you need peace and quiet when you are wrting?

I don’t mind sounds around me but I can’t keep my momentum and creativity flowing if I am interrupted or asked questions or have people needing things from me. So it is more to be left alone than having quiet.

If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

Ooooh good question! Can we bring people back from the dead? ☹ Carl Sagan, Ayn Rand, Victor Hugo…

Say someone asks if they can use your name in a book. Would you rather be the ‘good one’ or the ‘bad one’?

Definitely the bad one – but of course that depends on the definition. I’d want to be the rebellious one who is looking to live outside the status quo.

Where can I find you when you are reading?

On the couch in my writing room with 3 cats around me.

Where can I find you wen you are not writing/reading?

On a plane or in front of my computer working on evaluation proposals and meeting with clients. I work 60 hours a week outside of my writing.

What goes through your mind when you hold your new book in your hands for the first time?

Nothing goes through my mind- it’s all in my heart. Excitement. Fear. Pride. Vulnerability.

How do you come up with a title for your book?

I had three titles and did a survey and picked the one most people liked.

How do you pick a cover for your book?

Scrolled through hundreds of images until one jumped out of me and I have never looked back. It was, and still is, the right one for Two Truths!

Thank you, Dana C Carver and ZooLoo’s Book Toiurs


About the author 

Dana C Carver was born in 1972 in Columbus, Ohio. She wrote her first book at seven years old and won the school’s “super writer” award, and has been writing ever since.

She has a degree in psychology with a minor in creative writing from the University of Cincinnati, and did her post-graduate studies in physiology at Portland State University.

Currently she works as a program manager and coach, helping organizations to implement and evaluate change initiatives. She is the Chair of the Good Programmes Trust, home of the award winning GoodYarn program, which has seen nearly 7000 people educated in mental health and wellness.

Previously, she owned her own coaching and training studio, which operated for over a decade serving nearly 400 clients.

She now lives on a Dairy farm in the South Island of New Zealand with her husband, Tony, and is blessed with three step-children, a foster-daughter and two grand-daughters


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