The Housewife’s Secret by Anna-Lou Weatherley / #Review #BooksOnTour @bookouture @annaloulondon

Detective Dan Riley Book 7

I cast my eyes over the impressive meal I’ve cooked and the half-empty crystal wine glasses. As our guests smile graciously, I squeeze my husband’s shoulder. It’s vital I get his friends to like me. To believe this version of me. Because I’ll do anything to stop them learning the truth…

Ever since I met my handsome husband Dr Gabe Bonneville, I started playing the role of the perfect housewife. He works hard as a surgeon, so I look after our home, and throw elaborate dinner parties with champagne cocktails for his best friends Hugh and Anita. He’s my safe place and my chance to have the family I’ve always wanted.

I’ve managed to hide the mornings when I wake up and see a face in the shadows. I haven’t told Gabe the truth about the woman who raised me, or told him about the therapy I’ve been getting so my secrets stay hidden in the dark. I haven’t questioned his past so he doesn’t ask about mine. I see the way Anita looks at him sometimes, but I’ll never say a word.

Until the letter arrives at the front door. The beautiful, expensive card shakes in my hand as I read the neat black handwriting.

Someone knows I’m not just a housewife. And the lies I’ve told will be all that’s left when I disappear…




Dan Riley how I have missed you. You truly are one of my favourite policeman because you’re such a kind soul and you really do care about the victims and won’t stop before you have found the baddie. You put your work before everything else and in fact that’s not a bad thing, but sometimes you have to think about the other people who are counting on you and you really should not let them down.  

 Sometimes when you go through a bad thing, all that is going through your mind is trying to escape as soon as possible and maybe, even as important, trying to forget about it.  In hindsight, you should have talked about it more but I think it’s only human you put yourself first after such an ordeal. Unfortunately, you cannot turn back the clock even if you regret it deeply.

Some people though are not so forgiving and yes I do understand how they feel and why they might act without thinking it fully through.  Sometimes people have blinkers on and they focus only on themselves not really seeing the whole picture, but only their role in it and how they were treated.  

 I like detectives who think outside the box and sometimes when they feel it’s the only thing left to do ignore rules and orders.  It puts them in very dangerous situations but they feel they have to act now because waiting would turn this very dangerous situation into a disaster.  It’s a good thing when, in the end, they achieve their goal but it could have turned the tables against them. 

 I realised that lately a lot of crime thrillers feature female detectives and that’s superb but it’s also nice to read a story where a male ddaetective is in the driver’s seat. 

 Another great story in this Dan Riley series and I hope from the bottom of my heart I can see him again soon chasing the next culprit. 

 Five stars for this great story with super likeable detective.

Thank you


About the author

I was born in Hampshire but grew up in London where I still live today with my two children. I was originally a dancer who re-trained after a ‘disco accident’ in Ibiza to become a journalist – I’ve even won some awards, though I don’t like to talk about them – ha! I’ve been a women’s lifestyle writer for over fifteen years and am the former editor and acting editor of the fabulous J-17 magazine and Smash Hits respectively and have written for all the major glossies including Grazia, Company, Marie Claire and More, where I was their resident tell-it-like-it-is advice columnist – loads of fun! I’ve also written for NME, Loaded and Front magazine (I can be down with the lads too!).During my journalistic career I’ve seen and done some amazing stuff, highlights include becoming a nun (for a day), rally racing with the late, great Colin McRae, bunjee jumping off a 350 ft bridge in designer heels, whiskey tasting for a week in Kentucky (don’t remember much of that) and hanging out with all manor of A-list celebrities (er, Take That and Jordan, anyone?).After I had my son I started to write novels (having children does strange things to a person) and had my first young adult novel, Ibiza Summer, published in 2004. My first adult novel (it is a little racy) Chelsea Wives was published in 2012, followed by Wicked Wives in 2013.When I’m not writing, which isn’t often, I like to hang upside down on a pole – I’m a qualified pole fitness instructor, and drink fancy wine (though not necessarily at the same time, that would be dangerous). I adore creating exciting, three dimensional, glamorous and flawed characters against a backdrop of exotic locations. Revenge, sex, sin, glamour, excess, crime and intrigue is my speciality. My next novel, title to come, promises all the above and more!


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Instagram: @annalouwrites



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