The Baby Monitor by Rosie Walker / #Review #BooksOnTour @bookouture @ciderwithrosie

I’m closing my daughter’s bedroom door after putting her to bed and saying I love her one last time, when I hear the baby monitor crackle to life. The voice sends shockwaves to my core: ‘Your mother doesn’t love you.’

My husband says it’s just exhaustion and I’m hearing things. But he has no idea what that voice is doing to Olivia. He doesn’t see the look in my daughter’s eyes as she pushes me away and says, ‘I want my other mother.’

Then Olivia plunges down the stairs screaming. In my worst nightmares, I never imagined I could come so close to losing my child. As I watch Olivia sleep in a hospital bed, her broken arm in a sling, I decide this has to stop. Someone unscrewed our baby gate from the wall. I know I’ve been unwell in the past, but I’m not making this up.

The only people who’ve been inside our house are the ones I thought I could trust. Someone close is watching me, speaking to Olivia and trying to make me look like a bad parent. I don’t care what my husband says. I’m more scared than I’ve ever been in my life, but my precious child means everything to me. They have no idea how far I’ll go to protect my daughter…




This was such a great story, but at the same time a creepy one. I am glad I used an old fashioned baby monitor when my son was born, because I would not have wanted to deal with this kind of situations. I know the modern ones have a lot more advantages, but there is that danger lurking too. I most certainly don’t want to invite too many creeps into my home, but I guess it’s something that is hard to avoid.

I found it difficult at first to determine who was the villain for me in this story, but little by little I started to point my finger in a certain direction. Was I right though or did the author keep a joker up her sleeve?

I could not blame Mim for feeling the way she felt. After all, I guess I would start thinking I went crazy and paranoid as well.

When you feel utterly alone, because everybody you trusted seems to abandon you, it’s time to make it all go away.

I loved this book. The characters are great, the suspense is wonderful and the confusion is amazing. I secretly hope there is a sequel, because I feel like the story is not finished yet. 5 stars

Thank you


About the author

Rosie Walker writes psychological thrillers about mysteries, secrets, lies, and strange people. Rosie was born in North Yorkshire and has lived in Lincolnshire, Lancashire, Birmingham, Ohio and Texas, and has yet to live in a house with a secret passageway, hidden basement or a long-forgotten sealed-up room, but still holds out hope. She now lives in Edinburgh with her husband Kevin, their daughter Elsie and their Cypriot rescue dog, Bella. She has a Masters in Creative Writing and a degree in Psychology.


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