Bre’s Heavenly Adventures with Jesus by Breanna Brown / #GuestPost #BlogTour @WNLBookTours @BreBrow14681682


Bre gets angry when her father breaks his promise and refuses to play with her. But Bre’s mom tells her that she another father named Jesus-and he is the best father ever. He is always there, always ready to listen, and he will never stop loving her-even when she has made a mistake! So Bre goes to heaven to meet him…and this book will tell you what happened there!



Guest Post

5 Reasons Why Mentors are Important
#1 Mentors are important because they allow you to develop and cultivate your
skillset without always having to necessarily go through the experience

By having a mentor that has already gone through a particular experience this allows
you to be able to have the upper hand, by helping you to avert certain obstacles and
crises that you would have otherwise would have had to gone through without the help
of wise counsel.

#2 Mentors will always hold you accountable to your goals

A lot of times you need people in your corner who will not only help to motivate you, but
they will hold you accountable to the goals that you set. Which means sometimes
mentors will have to dish out hard truths to you, but it’s never meant to discourage or
hurt you its’ always meant to make you better.

#3 Mentors help you to develop both your strengths and weaknesses

They do this by offering constructive criticism, by telling you what you’re doing wrong
and right. From there they are able to help you to cultivate a plan of action on how to
improve your weaknesses and develop strategies on how to make the greatest impact
with your strengths.

#4 Mentors provide you with opportunities to network

Sometimes, when you are a new to a particular industry it’s hard to get connected to the
right people right away. Thus, mentors can provide you with the opportunity to be meet
and mingle with people you otherwise would not have been able to meet on your own.

#5 Mentors will support and encourage you

Lastly, mentors will provide you with the support and encouragement that is sometimes
lacking from your family and friends because they don’t understand the circumstances
or the pressures you’re dealing with. Thus, its nice to go to a listening ear to let out your
frustrations and to get advice on how to handle similar situations.

Thank you, Breanna Brown and WNL Book Tours


About the author

Bre Brown currently serves as the Youth Minister of Watchman Ministries, alongside her Husband Eric Smith,
located in Fredericksburg, VA. She’s been regarded, as the “prophetic voice for the next generation.” She received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Louisville and currently possesses her qualified mental health professional registration in the state of Virginia. She is currently pursuing her graduate certificate in non-profit studies. She is the CEO and founder of Child Enrichment Solutions LLC. Which is a full-service coaching and consulting firm that helps youth to identify negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that inhibit them from achieving personal achievement utilize constructive coping strategies to lead happy, empowered, and successful lives.


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