The Lisa Miller Series – Lasairiona E. McMaster / #SpotlightPost #BlogTour @rararesources @QueenofFireLas

Lisa Miller #1 – Intimate Strangers


Is there such a thing as too perfect?

Lisa Millar wasn’t supposed to fall in love with a guy on the Internet. But she did.

Other than living over five thousand miles away in America, AJ Williams is seemingly her perfect match. Strikingly handsome, musically talented, plays hockey and has a typical college-guy life.

In a moment of carpe diem, Lisa flies from Ireland to Alabama to surprise her internet-beau and finds herself face to face with an inconceivable reality that she couldn’t possibly have prepared for.

How well can you truly know someone you meet online?

Will true love win out, or will AJ’s secret life be too much for Lisa to bear? 



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Lisa Miller #2 – The Good in Goodbye


Relationships are complicated. Long distance ones, even more so.

When Lisa Millar met AJ Williams online through mutual friends, she wasn’t prepared to fall in love with the man of her dreams. She was even less prepared to discover that he already had a wife. In a heart-wrenching story of love attempting to transcend miles, Lisa finds herself pregnant and on the wrong side of the Atlantic from the man she loves.

Will their love conquer all? Or will the intricacies of a relationship woven across the Atlantic be too much to take and tear them apart once and for all?

(Warning: This book ends on a cliff hanger)



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Lisa Miller #3 – Fateful Coincidence 


Five thousand miles from her ex, Lisa is living with her decision to call it quits and leave both AJ and Alabama behind. She believes she’s finally ready to put her broken heart back together and move forward with her life as a single woman. But when she meets a seemingly too-good-to-be-true doctor, she feels both unsure of herself and guilty for moving on so quickly from her engagement to AJ. Lisa finds herself at a cross roads, does she give up all hope of ever reconciling with AJ and take a chance on love again with someone new? Or is her heart destined to be forever entwined with the married man she met on the internet?



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Lisa Miller #4 – All of My Days


After a dramatic will-they-won’t-they whirlwind romance – the Williams’ have figured it out, at last! AJ is finally divorced from Britt and Lisa has taken the plunge and moved thousands of miles away from home to live with her new husband and their new-born daughter, Olivia.

Attempting to navigate the waters of being both newlyweds and new parents in their ‘happily ever after’, Lisa and AJ adjust to their new life together in Alabama.

Will AJ ever put his laundry in the laundry basket and not next to it? Will Lisa ever adjust to the land of sweet tea and under-boob sweat? Will their lives forevermore be about poop?



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Spotlight Post

Thank you, Lasairiona E. McMaster and Rachel’s Random Resources


About the author

Lasairiona McMaster grew up dreaming of an exciting life abroad, and, after graduating from Queens University, Belfast, that is exactly what she did – with her then-boyfriend, now husband of almost ten years. Having recently repatriated to Northern Ireland after a decade abroad spanned over two countries (seven and a half years in America and eighteen months in India), she now finds herself ‘home’, with itchy feet and dreams of her next expatriation. With a penchant for both travelling, and writing, she started a blog during her first relocation to Houston, Texas and, since repatriating to Northern Ireland, has decided to do as everyone has been telling her to do for years, and finally pen a book (or two) and get published while she tries to adjust to the people and place she left ten years ago, where nothing looks the same as it did when she left.


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