Awakening the Trinity – Brittany Elise

In the seventeenth-century, an all-powerful witch called Rionach the Dark ruled the Celtic nations with an army of enslaved werewolves. In order to restore balance between Light and Dark, the Trinity of Light was summoned to vanquish the Dark Witch and end the Battle of the Dark Ages.

Seventeen-year-old Quinn Callaghan lives in the small, rustic town of Silver Mountain. Its location may be rural, but it is home to an ancient pine forest that surrounds a supernatural hotspot–a nexus of raw and powerful energy.

When a charismatic witch from Ireland, and a mysterious guy with a secret of his own are drawn to the area, Quinn finds out that she inherited her rare abilities from a revered ancestor. Could it be that she shares a bloodline with the Original Trinity? Nearly 300 years later, the Darkness is returning to Silver Mountain, and the Trinity must stop it.




I hope you enjoy this interview.


1. When and where do you prefer to write?

I love the quiet of the early mornings best. There seems to be less distraction then, and I feel I am at my most creative. If I’m home, you’ll probably find me at the end of the kitchen table, wrapped up in a blanket with my cat on my lap. I also love writing on gray, rainy days.

2. Do you have a certain ritual?

Nothing specific comes to mind. I think it all depends on my mood and where I am.

3. Is there a drink of some food that keeps you company while you write?

Beverage of choice (especially during the winter) is tea and honey. Coffee will suffice as a second though.

4. What is your favourite book?

That’s a tough question. There are so many fantastic novels out there, so I probably have one favorite for each genre. Growing up, my favorite book as a teen was The Truth About Forever, by Sarah Dessen. I love everything by her.

5. Do you consider writing a different genre in the future?

Absolutely. I love writing YA supernatural/fantasy fiction, but I do have some New Adult/Romance projects in the works also.

6. Do you sometimes base your characters on people you know?

None of my characters are solely based on someone I know, but I do take bits and pieces from people and things around me and give it a little flourish for my characters. They might share certain things in common with someone I know, but they will never be entirely based off a real person.

7. Do you take a notebook everywhere in order to write down ideas that pop up?

I have a notebook application on my phone for that purpose, but I do usually have a pad of paper or something handy for when an idea strikes.

8. Which genre do you not like at all?

Hmm, I don’t think I would single any one genre out, but I seldomly pick up crime novels. And that’s not to say I don’t enjoy a good mystery, because I do, but I find myself wrapped up in fantasy/supernatural novels most often.

9. If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

Oh man, hmm, that’s a tough question. I find myself leaning towards authors who are no longer with us for this particular question. Namely because I would just love an opportunity to learn from them and pick their brain. There are so many authors I’d love to have in my “moral support” corner though.

10.  If you should travel to a foreign country to do research, which one would you choose and why?

Ireland/Scotland/Wales! I tend to incorporate a bit of Irish folklore and mythology into my writing, so it would be fantastic for me to visit the very places I draw inspiration from.

Thank you, Brittany Elise and RachelsRandomResources.


About the author

My love for writing began at a very young age–way before I could even type on a keyboard. I was always writing short stories and poems with a fan club of one (my mom.) I never stopped writing, but I don’t think I believed in myself enough to actually pursue it as a career. When I enrolled in college, I took as many creative writing classes as they offered, and ended up graduating with a degree in photography and minoring in English. I enjoy art in all its forms, but writing has always been my first love. Even when I was pursuing other careers, writing was always my go-to comfort. I later became an animal obedience instructor and met a children’s author through my dog training. She helped me get my foot through the door, so to speak, and I haven’t turned back since. During the day, I manage an FBO at my local hometown airport, and by night, I dive into my writing with my husband and my four-legged children by my side.

Social Media Links – You can find me on Facebook (BrittanyEliseAuthor) my Instagram handle is Carbon_Stardust and I also have a website: