To be a Mother by Emma Robinson / #Review #BooksOnTour @bookouture @emmarobinsonuk

What if your only chance to be a mother was to give birth to his first wife’s child?All I’ve ever wanted is to be a mother. And since I married David, it’s gone from being a dream of mine, to a dream of ours. And I want it for him too – it’s the happy-ever-after he deserves after the tragic loss of his first wife, Katherine.We have tried and we’ve hoped. But today I’ve just found out it’s impossible. That I’m unable to become a mother. My heart breaking into thousands of pieces, I beg the doctor to tell me there’s another way.But it’s David who speaks. Telling me that just before Katherine died, she had gone through fertility treatment. Now her eggs legally belong to David. To us.It could be my only chance to be the mother I’ve always longed to be… But can I really carry his first wife’s baby?




To be a mother… That would be a dream come true for a lot women. Mother Nature is not always helpful though. Some are lucky enough to conceive easily, have a dream pregnancy and a delivery from heaven. Some have a more difficult 9 months and the delivery is one from hell. But both category of women have what they wished for: a bundle of joy.

Then there is the third group: women who are disappointed month after month. And while their despair grows each time, their longing grows even faster.

Thank God the medical help the couples can receive is getting better and better, but it still is paired with a lot of pain and heartache before the test comes back with those long longed for 2 lines.

When all the above fails, there is still adoption as a last resort.

What comes as easy as one, two, three to some people, really takes a uphill drive for others…

Hannah and David desperately want to become parents. Unfortunately they are also involved in a fierce struggle with nature. They have to make a decision. They have to choose between using donor eggs, adoption or … David and Katherine’s (David’s first wife) embryos. It goes without a doubt it’s Hannah who struggles the most… But what is primordial? It’s holding a baby in her arms and the biological clock is ticking…

Which option would you pick?

A very beautiful and emotional story about love, putting other people’s happiness before your own and friendship. I will always remember this: family has nothing to do with blood.

You sometimes think you know where the author will take you, but it seems like you knew nothing at all. 😉 5 stars

Thank you


About the author

Emma Robinson is the author of several women’s fiction novels. She also blogs about the funny side of parenting and has contributed to podcasts such as Funny Women. Whilst her early novels are humorous, her recent work focuses on emotional themes and these novels are both heart-breaking and life affirming. Emma enjoys writing stories which explore the power of family and friendship in the most challenging circumstances.

Emma currently lives in Essex with a husband, two children and a small black dog


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Twitter: @emmarobinsonuk



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