More Than A Game – Ralph Robb / #Interview #BlogTour @rararesources @RalphSRobb


Sabina Park Rangers is the first team of black players to reach the final of the Watney’s Challenge Cup. But coach Horace McIntosh has more selection problems than most. The First Division champions want to sign one of his best players – and right up until the day of the match he is uncertain that he will have a team for the biggest game in the club’s history because of arrests, a scam and an atmosphere of impending violence.




Being a morning person, I prefer to write as early as possible after waking up. The later the day progresses the more my brain becomes tired, especially after a taxing day at my regular job. By the end of the day my thought process begins to shut down.

Making hand written notes is another matter. These are done at infrequent times, sitting in the car whilst my wife is shopping, break time at work or simply chilling on the sofa in the evening.

– Do you have a certain ritual?

I have no real rituals as such, aside from beginning the process with hand-written notes. I find taking pen to paper gets the creative juices flowing more abundantly.

– Is there a drink of some food that keeps you company while you write?

For me, food has no real place around my computer, too much of a distraction. If I find the need to eat, I’ll take a break, fill my face and then return.

In saying that, sipping a hot drink or having a cold one on a sweltering day is not too much of an interference.

– What is your favourite book?

A difficult question, considering I’ve read so many highly entertaining books. If I could slightly rephrase the question to – the most influential book. I would say ‘Enter the Dragon’!!! Let me explain. As a kid I had very little time for books, much preferring to dwell in the fantasy realm of ‘Marvel’ comics. Enter the Dragon was the first real book that left me saying ‘wow’. I know…I know, it’s hardly Margaret Atwood but what can I say, it nudged me onto the tracks to where I am today.

– Do you consider writing a different genre in the future?

Yes, science fiction. Always been a lover of sci-fi, especially movies. This would be a blast; difficult I know but the infinite creative liberties are truly enticing.

– Do you sometimes base your characters on people you know?

All the time, sometimes amalgamating several personalities or traits into one character

– Do you take a notebook everywhere in order to write down ideas that pop up?

There was a time where I made endless notes on small pieces of paper stuffed into pockets or places that I would often lose track of. In the end, lost notes due to the washing machine forced me to use a notebook. Especially useful on the bedside table to recall dreams or ideas that pop into my head between or during sleep….. ideas that would have dissipated if I put off making note until the morning.

– Which genre do you not like at all?

Probably the largest out there. Romance …. It has its place but I just can’t get into it. 

– If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

Many times, I’ve picked up a book and was taken aback by the literary standard. Making me realize how far I still have to go. But as my wife is constantly reminding me – there is a reader for every writer.

The book that I’m reading at the moment is ‘The weight of Ink’ by Rachel Kadish. I could fantasize about writing with someone of that standard but I’m unsure of the contribution I could possibly make, with such literacy genius at the helm. It would certainly be a gift to learn from a writer like Ms Kadish.

– If you should travel to a foreign country to do research, which one would you chose and why?

I wish I could say one which has a long and interesting but turbulent history, a country that is misunderstood and I, Ralph Robb would endeavour to open the eyes of the world to their plight. BUT unfortunately, I would have to say any warm Caribbean country that has an all-inclusive resort where I can chill and just write. Most of the research in the type of books I write can be found quite easily on the net.

Thank you, Ralph Robb  and Rachel’s Random Resources.


About the author 

Ralph Robb was born and raised in the industrial town of Wolverhampton, England, and now lives in Ontario, Canada with his wife, two cats and a dog. A proud father of four, Robb works as an engineering technician and loves rugby, martial arts and of course a good book. His world is balanced by his obsession with comic books, quality TV, global events and the great outdoors.


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Twitter: @RalphSRobb
