The Woodsman’s Rose by Gifford MacShane / #SpotlightPost #BlogTour @maryanneyarde @AuthorGMacShane


Donovan Family Saga, Book 2

1880s Arizona
Daniel Donovan wants nothing more than to get married, unless it’s to restore his friendship
with his closest friend, Alec Twelve Trees.
Alec is raging about his mother’s murderer, whose identity Daniel knows but will not reveal,
as the killer is dead and the family he left behind would be compromised if the knowledge
became public. But Alec cannot recognize any needs but his own, and the rift between the
friends grows wider every day.
Daniel’s fiancée, Annie, is a delicate girl, her health frail and her future uncertain. Prone to
vicious headaches that at times rock her to her knees, she’s accepted Daniel’s ring but is
hesitant to name their wedding date, worried that marriage and possible pregnancy will
exacerbate her physical problems.
Annie inherited the gift of insight from her Welsh mother and digs into the past, searching for
a way to help Alec and Daniel mend their relationship. But when she discovers
the secret behind the murder, it’s more horrifying than she could have imagined.
It may take more than Annie’s small strength and inherited skills to bring the friends together
again. And that’s before a new enemy shows his face.



Spotlight Post

Thank you, Gifford MacShane and The Coffee Pot Book Club


About the author

Gifford MacShane is the author of historical fiction that celebrates the resilience of the
human spirit.
Her novels feature a family of Irish immigrants who settle in the Arizona Territory in the late
1800s. With an accessible literary style, MacShane draws out her characters’ hidden flaws
and strengths as they grapple with both physical and emotional conflicts.
Singing almost before she could talk, MacShane has always loved folk music, whether it be
Irish, Appalachian, spirituals, or the songs of the cowboys. Her love of the Old West goes
back to childhood, when her father introduced her to the works of Zane Grey. Later she
became interested in the Irish diaspora, having realized her ancestors must have lived
through An Gorta Mor, the Great Irish Potato Famine of the mid-1800s. Writing allows her to
combine her three great interests into a series of family stories, each including romance,
traditional song lyrics, and a dash of Celtic mysticism. Having grown up in a large & often
boisterous Irish-American family, she is intimately acquainted with the workings of such a
clan and uses those experiences to good purpose (though no names will be named!)
MacShane is a member of the Historical Novel Society, and is an #OwnVoices writer. A selfprofessed grammar nerd who still loves diagramming sentences, Giff currently lives in
Pennsylvania with her husband Richard, the Pied Piper of stray cats.


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