Up Close and Personal by Kathryn Freeman / #SpotlightPost #BlogTour @rararesources @KathrynFreeman1



British actor Zac Edwards is the latest heartthrob to hit the red carpets. Hot, talented and rich, he sends women wild…all except one.

Close protection officer Kat Parker hasn’t got time to play celebrity games.  She has one job: to protect Zac from the stalker that seems to be dogging his every move.

Zac might get her hot under her very starched collar, but Kat’s a professional – and sleeping with Zac is no way part of her remit…



Spotlight Post

Thank you, Kathryn Freeman and Rachel’s Random Resources


About the author 

A former pharmacist, I’m now a medical writer who also writes romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it’s the reaction to a hunky hero.

I’ve two sons and a husband who asks every Valentine’s Day whether he has to buy a card (yes, he does), so any romance is all in my head. Then again, his unstinting support of my career change proves love isn’t always about hearts and flowers – and heroes come in many disguises.


Author Links 

Website:  http://kathrynfreeman.co.uk

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/kathrynfreeman

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/KathrynFreeman1



Book Links

Amazon UK:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Close-Personal-feel-good-will-they-wont-they-Collection-ebook/dp/B083W3RMW4

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083W3RMW4