Murder: It’s All In Your Head by Cynthia Hilston / #SpotlightPost #BlogTour @RRBookTours1 @cynthiahilston


Someone has been getting away with murder for over 100 years in the small town of Hurston, Ohio. But the wrong person has been convicted of those murders every time. In 2018, Cassie Meadows is on her way to school when a bright flash comes out of nowhere, and she wakes in millionaire Randy Davis’s body with blood on her hands…the blood of Randy’s wife, who lies in a pool of crimson in the bathtub with her throat slit. Meanwhile, an old man everyone calls Jimmy Williams raves that he’s the real Randy Davis as he lives out his days in a ward for the criminally insane. In 1914, young Helen Hawkins is unloved and repetitively abused by her father, who is also the town’s pastor. Her only escape is in her dreams, where she wakes in others’ bodies, living other lives, but when her dreams turn out to be reality, the tables are turned on her father. In a story where no one is who they seem, how can Cassie, the latest victim accused of a murder she didn’t commit, end the cycle?



Spotlight Post

Thank you, Cynthia Hilston and R&R Book Tours


About the author

Cynthia Hilston is a stay-at-home mom of three young kids, happily married, and lives in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. Writing has always been like another child to her. After twenty years of waltzing in the world of fan fiction, she stepped away to do her debut dance with original works of fiction. 

In her spare time – what spare time? – she devours books, watches Supernatural and Outlander, pets her orange kitty, looks at the stars, drinks wine or coffee with good friends, and dreams of what other stories she wishes to tell.


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Murder: It’s All In Your Head by Cynthia Hilston / #Interview #BlogTour @rararesources @cynthiahilston


Someone has been getting away with murder for over 100 years in the small town of Hurston, Ohio. But the wrong person has been convicted of those murders every time. In 2018, Cassie Meadows is on her way to school when a bright flash comes out of nowhere, and she wakes in millionaire Randy Davis’s body with blood on her hands…the blood of Randy’s wife, who lies in a pool of crimson in the bathtub with her throat slit. Meanwhile, an old man everyone calls Jimmy Williams raves that he’s the real Randy Davis as he lives out his days in a ward for the criminally insane. In 1914, young Helen Hawkins is unloved and repetitively abused by her father, who is also the town’s pastor. Her only escape is in her dreams, where she wakes in others’ bodies, living other lives, but when her dreams turn out to be reality, the tables are turned on her father. In a story where no one is who they seem, how can Cassie, the latest victim accused of a murder she didn’t commit, end the cycle?




– When and where do you prefer to write?

I prefer to write in the early afternoon and usually at the kitchen table or at my desk in my bedroom.

– Do you have a certain ritual?

Not really. I just try to write a couple of pages every day.

– Is there a drink of some food that keeps you company while you write?

I sometimes have coffee (either from Starbucks or from my Keurig) with me. If it’s a rare occasion of writing in the evening, I might even have a glass of red wine, preferably zinfandel.

– What is your favourite book?

Jane Eyre

– Do you consider writing a different genre in the future?

To be honest, writing this book was a new genre for me! It’s horror/psychological thriller, which is a huge departure from the literary writing I usually do.

– Do you sometimes base your characters on people you know?

Yes. Luckily, that’s not the case with this novel. If you read it, you’ll see why! My first novel was based off my late grandma’s life, so there were many characters in it based off real people from my family.

– Do you take a notebook everywhere in order to write down ideas that pop up?

I wish I were that organized. I have used the feature on my phone for that.

– Which genre do you not like at all?

I’m not a fan of crime novels or big on mysteries.

– If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

I’d love to write with any of my friends from my writer groups.

– If you should travel to a foreign country to do research, which one would you chose and why?

I’d love to return to Italy, most notably Tuscany. I visited in 2007 and found it absolutely gorgeous. I think that countryside of rolling hills and olive trees and grapevines would be inspiring.

Thank you, Cynthia Hilston and Rachel’s Random Resources


About the author

Cynthia Hilston is a stay-at-home mom of three young kids, happily married, and lives in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. Writing has always been like another child to her. After twenty years of waltzing in the world of fan fiction, she stepped away to do her debut dance with original works of fiction. 

In her spare time – what spare time? – she devours books, watches Supernatural and Outlander, pets her orange kitty, looks at the stars, drinks wine or coffee with good friends, and dreams of what other stories she wishes to tell.


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