Blue Skies by Alana Oxford / #Interview #MiniBlogBlitz @rararesources @AlanaOxford


Life isn’t always a walk in the park, but when Patrice takes her Pomeranians to the park after a rough day at the office, fate steps in. An unlikely hero comes to the rescue when one of her dogs gets loose. Short, pale, and kind of cute, Seth doesn’t have a lot of confidence with the ladies, but he hits it off with Patrice.

But some things might be too good to be true. While Patrice wonders if Seth could possibly be “the one”, fate steps in again with a horrible twist. Will it be a deal breaker or just a storm before bright blue skies?




  • When and where do you prefer to write?

I prefer to write during the late morning into the afternoon. I feel like my brain is sharpest then. Unfortunately, Covid-world and my kids doing virtual school has really cut down on my writing time, but I’m still creative with that. Just yesterday, while I was cooking dinner, a character startied monologuing in my head. I grabbed a notebook and started writing it down while the water boiled on the stove. It wasn’t ideal, but got the job done!

  • Do you have a certain ritual?

When I do get to sit at my computer and write, I usually open my Word doc, put on my playlist for the book, and start working. I create extensive playlists for every book I write. The music helps me get back into the mood of my characters and the scenes. When I’m working through a certain scene, I will often put one song on repeat until I’m done with that scene.

  • Is there a drink or some food that keeps you company while you write?

If the weather is cool, I’ll have a cup of hot tea beside me. If it’s warm outside, I’ll keep a glass of cold water to drink. I also enjoy salty snacks while I write…usually followed by chocolate. 

  • What is your favourite book?

Jane Eyre is my all-time favorite book. But it’s so hard to choose just one! I also love two books in particular by Michael Lawrence- A Crack in the Line, and Juby’s Rook.

  • Do you consider writing a different genre in the future?

This is actually my new genre. I used to write YA and strange and somewhat dark stories under a different pen name. I realized all the story ideas I had floating around in my head for the future were romcoms and women’s fiction, so I’m just starting in that genre with Blue Skies.

  • Do you sometimes base your characters on people you know?

I do! For example, I completed a draft of a librarian romance earlier this year that is loosely based on the love story of one of my former co-workers. She got her happily ever after and she and her now husband have always said I should write a book about them one day. Their fairytale romance stayed in the back of my head until I finally came up with a new story that incorporated parts of their life.

  • Do you take a notebook everywhere in order to write down ideas that pop up?

I should, but I don’t. I do keep a notebook within reach of my bed since the best ideas usually seem to come just before I drift off to sleep. If I’m driving, I’ll record a voice memo on my phone. If I get a great idea while I’m out, I’ll look for a piece of scrap paper first, but if that doesn’t work, I’ll put a note in my phone.

  • Which genre do you not like at all?

I can enjoy most genres but I just can’t get into Westerns, Horror, or Erotica.

  • If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

I think it would be fun to write a romcom with Kiley Dunbar. I like to think our writing styles would mesh well.

  • If you should travel to a foreign country to do research, which one would you chose and why?

The hero in my librarian romance is from Scotland. I’ve never been there myself but I would love to walk through his hometown and get a feel for what his life there was like. How things look, smell, and feel there. It’s on the top of my list of places to visit.

Thank you, Alana Oxford and Rachel’s Random Resources


About the author

Alana Oxford is a Michigan author of romcoms, sweet romance, and humorous women’s fiction. She wants her stories to bring sunshine and smiles to her readers. She enjoys improv comedy, moody music, everything book related, and has an ongoing love affair with the United Kingdom.


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Twitter: @AlanaOxford




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