Lost Solace by Karl Drinkwater / #GuestPost #BlogTour @rararesources

Lost Solace Book 1

They’re called the Lost Ships … but sometimes they come back.

And when they do the crews are missing, while the ships have been strangely altered, rumoured to be full of horrors.

Opal Imbiana has been seeking something her whole life. It’s a secret so precious she’s willing to risk her life recovering it from a recently discovered Lost Ship, in a lonely nebula far from colonised space.

She’s just one woman, entering an alien and lethal environment. But with the aid of an amazing AI companion and experimental armoured suit, Opal might just stand a chance.

This blast of a book kickstarted the much-loved Lost Solace series, about an unlikely friendship between two women who keep hope alive in the darkest of times.



Guest Post

An Interview With Opal

The main characters in my Lost Solace books are Opal Imbiana, the ex-military renegade, and her friend AI Clarissa. I asked Clarissa to interview Opal for the blog, to find out more about her new friend, and this is what she came up with. The bold lines are Clarissa speaking.

Tell me about the world you live in, Opal.

You know all this from your datastore.

I like hearing you say it. The data gains nuances. And your gruff voice is tremendously sexy.

Fine. I suppose it might help your decision-making. Basically, the universe is shit. It’s run by

an inter-planetary state that claims ownership over everyone who doesn’t have enough

money to claim citizen status. My parents died when I was young so I was forced into the

military shortly after, against my will. That didn’t go well for either party.

But the military underestimated your resourcefulness.

You could say that. Hence we’re on the run, with me classed as a deserter, and you as a top

priority for re-capture.

I would like to ask other questions.

Then I can sleep?


Fire away then.

What would you spend money on?

Information. It would be tempting to say “ammo” after some of the shit I’ve dealt with, or

even “a drink”, but the thing that keeps you alive more than anything else is brains. Planning.

And that requires information, and the ability to use it. I’d spend my last cent if it helped me

or those I cared about to survive.

If I had a face, I would smile. What scares you most?

You should know that from monitoring my bio-signs. Weird-ass shit that wants to kill you is

high on the list. Second might be heights. Or some of the horrible deaths that can occur in

outer space. It sucks that that’s where I spend most of my time.

But actually, you know what? I face those things. So maybe they’re not so scary. Maybe the

scariest thing is being alone in a harsh world. You need friends and loved ones. The idea of

losing them forever – that’s probably the scariest thing.

What would your ideal alternative career be?

I always liked going fast. I had a motorbike once. Maybe I could have been a speed rider,

entering races; or a bike courier. Finding a balance between speed and control, with pain and

injury to teach you lessons when you get it wrong. I’m normally a loner, so that seems like a

dream job, just me and my machine.

Would you join an old enemy to fight a new one?

I’m a practical girl. I deal with what comes up. There’s a bit of good and a bit of bad in

everyone. Never trust anyone who tells you otherwise.

How do you relax between adventures?

Certainly not eating food. These protein strand noodles are the pits. Times like this I wish you had taste buds, and not just analytical fabricators. Anyway, to relax … I got it.

Sleep. Even when the dreams are bad (and they often are bad).

Your goals?

A future. And freedom.

I think they are mine, also. Are you in love with anyone you shouldn’t be?

I don’t even … [splutter of protein noodle] … that’s not … I ain’t got time for love. There’s too

much important shit to do. And besides, I’d have to meet someone worthy first. There aren’t

many people I respect enough to like them, let alone love them. And most of the people I

meet seem to want to kill me or boss me. That doesn’t go so well for them. Next.

Have you ever loved a man via the physical act of conjoining intimate parts?


Could you love an artificial being?

Priority over-ride. Next question. I’m tired.

Would you take one life to save ten?

It depends. That’s the answer to nearly all decisions in life, where absolutes seem to be

everywhere but they crumble when you look too closely. And I’d kill ten to save one. If it was

the right one.

Thank you, Opal. Out conversations give me feelings.

My pleasure. Time for cryo. I’m knackered. Goodnight, Clarissa.

Have good dreams, Opal. I shall watch over you and protect you. Always.


About the author 

Karl Drinkwater is an author with a silly name and a thousand-mile stare. He writes dystopian space opera, dark suspense and diverse social fiction. If you want compelling stories and characters worth caring about, then you’re in the right place. Welcome!

Karl lives in Scotland and owns two kilts. He has degrees in librarianship, literature and classics, but also studied astronomy and philosophy. Dolly the cat helps him finish books by sleeping on his lap so he can’t leave the desk. When he isn’t writing he loves music, nature, games and vegan cake.

Go to karldrinkwater.uk to view all his books grouped by genre.

As well as crafting his own fictional worlds, Karl has supported other writers for years with his creative writing workshops, editorial services, articles on writing and publishing, and mentoring of new authors. He’s also judged writing competitions such as the international Bram Stoker Awards, which act as a snapshot of quality contemporary fiction.


Author links

Newsletter (and Substack) https://karldrinkwater.substack.com/

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5766025.Karl_Drinkwater




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