A Brambleberry Manor Christmas by Rosie Green / #Review @Rosie_Green88


Little Duck Pond Cafe, Book 14

After the heart-breaking events of the previous festive season, Jenny Wilkes is dreading Christmas. The one bright spot is that her brand new business, ‘Dining In’, seems to be thriving. She’s won a contract to cater for a week-long Christmas house party at Brambleberry Manor, culminating in the sparkling Cinderella Ball, and she’s determined to do a first rate job. Meeting Noah, one of the guests, gives Jenny a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel. But with a stroppy step-daughter determined to stand in the way of her happiness, will love really be able to conquer all?




It feels great being back in Sunnybrook although it’s not very sunny there at the moment. It’s Christmas time and snow is taking over the village. 

Every time I went to visit, I have met very nice characters, some not so nice ones and of course I reconnected with some ‘old friends’. 

This time the usual gang is put a bit on the backburner and it’s Jenny and Flo’s story that fills the pages of this book. 

Falling in love is great. Being in love is great, but unfortunately the feeling does not last forever for some couples. Falling out of love is part of life and when both partners feel the same, it still hurts. It’s more manageable, but what if it’s not like that? Why can’t people be honest? Maybe talking might help to see things in a different light.? Cheaters often leave more than one broken heart behind…

I believe it’s very understandable you want to close the door in his face when Cupid comes calling, but you do have to keep in mind that people are different and you surely don’t want to throw away you second chance to happiness??

Trying to protect someone is very noble, but when someone does not know you are doing it, it might come back and bite you…

Once again a lovely, heartwarming story about love and friendship. 5 stars

Thank you, Rosie Green


About the author

Rosie has been scribbling stories ever since she was little.

Back then, they were rip-roaring adventure tales with a young heroine in perilous danger of falling off a cliff or being tied up by ‘the baddies’.

Thankfully, Rosie has moved on somewhat, and now much prefers to write romantic comedies that melt your heart and make you smile, with really not much perilous danger involved at all – unless you count the heroine losing her heart in love.

Rosie’s series of novellas is centred around life in a village cafe. 

Rosie has also written a full-length, standalone book, ‘Snowflakes over Moondance Cottage’, out now.


Author Link

Twitter – https://twitter.com/Rosie_Green88



Book Link

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Brambleberry-Manor-Christmas-Little-Duck-ebook/dp/B08MXXBJ9K/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3A5Q4TAITH2DO&dchild=1&keywords=a+brambleberry+manor+christmas+rosie+green&qid=1619776539&s=digital-text&sprefix=a+bram%2Cdigital-text%2C173&sr=1-1