The Missing Bridesmaid by L.G. Davis / #Review @bookouture @LGDavisAuthor

Broken Vows Book 2

I’m getting married tomorrow. But someone has taken my daughter…

I first start worrying about my beautiful daughter Lennie when she claims her imaginary friend told her not to trust me or her father, Nathan. And as she retreats further into her own world and pushes us away, it feels like we are losing our little girl. Then one evening I see a shadowy figure in Lennie’s bedroom window, and I begin to worry her friend isn’t imaginary at all…

Nathan insists it’s all in my head, but now my worst nightmare has come true. Lennie has been kidnapped just before our rehearsal dinner, in her adorable bridesmaid’s dress. And I think I know who did it…

Years ago, I brought another woman’s perfect life crashing down around her. I was trying to protect someone I loved, but I had no idea how out of control it would get, or how deadly. Has she come back to punish me? And how far will she go for revenge?

But when I see a message on Nathan’s phone asking about Lennie, I realise I might have got it all wrong. Was my daughter taken by someone close to home, someone I thought I could trust?




When I finished the previous book, I was left wondering where this all would lead to. After all it was a case of calling the kettle black…

The actions of two people also resulted in a very devastating thing that altered the future of two other people totally and irreversibly.

Revenge is the base for the manipulation taking place and who better to pick as the perfect person to be manipulated? Cruel? Yes, utterly, but that’s the nature of this master manipulator.

I had figured out a part of the plot which gave me the right to pat myself on the shoulder. Did this disturb me? No, not at all it made me proud of myself and there was still plenty left to be revealed.

There were a few things that happened that would be considered as unforgivable in my book, but maybe if you unravel the story behind the actions, you could admit they were done with the best intentions. So maybe the right thing to do was to forgive and forget.

I enjoyed the book and I adore the cover. Those shoes are so cute. Looking forward to more books by this author whether it’s maybe a third book in this series or a completely different one. 5 stars

Thank you


About the Author

Liz’s story began in a refugee camp in Angola, where she spent the first eight years of her life. After that, she spent some years in Namibia (her home country), South Africa, and Germany. She now lives in Vienna, Austria, with her husband and two children. Liz wrote her first full-length novel at eighteen and hid it in a box under her bed. Several others soon followed it. Her passion lies in writing edge-of-the-seat psychological thrillers that give readers the same rush they would get on a rollercoaster.


Author Links

Twitter: @LGDavisAuthor


Instagram: @lgdavisauthor

TikTok: @lgdavisbooks




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