Peace Keeper by Kelly-Marie Pollock / #Spotlight @AuthorKMPollock

The Chronicles of Nova Morgan #4


In the thrilling conclusion of ‘The Nova Morgan Chronicles’, join our fearless heroine as she embarks on her most perilous quest yet. With Hindra dying under the iron grip of The Righteous Ones, Nova must summon every ounce of courage and determination to liberate the ‘Kin from their oppressive rule.

As she navigates the treacherous landscape of Hindra and its realms, Nova faces a series of formidable adversaries, each more complex than the last. From ruthless crime lords to otherworldly entities, her path has always been fraught with peril. But now, her greatest foe awaits: Destiny itself.

With each step forward, Nova finds herself entangled in a web of intricately woven events, where progress often comes at a heavy price. But she refuses to be deterred. Drawing upon the strength within, she must claim her rightful place and truly become the ‘Death Bringer’.

However, the road to salvation is paved with sacrifice and as she fights to save lives, she must also confront the heartbreaking reality that not everyone can infact be saved.

Prepare for a gripping tale of courage, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of a warrior. The fate of Hindra hangs in the balance, and Nova will stop at nothing to ensure that darkness is vanquished and a new era of light dawns upon her world.



About the author

Writing has always been a passion of mine. A coping mechanism if you like. When I was a child I’d conjure up elaborate worlds inside my head and happily get lost within them for hours, roaming the halls and alleyways within. Now I create worlds in black and white, for all of you to immerse yourselves in. I’m a Poetry fanatic and when I’m not busy sending Nova into War or breaking her heart, I can often be found putting pen to pad and writing poetic verses. I’m a fan of a good horror film and a massive geek who’s patiently awaiting the Zombie uprising.


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