The Patriot by Nick Thacker / #Review @bookouture @NickThacker

Jake Parker #2

A deadly attack is coming. American lives are on the line. And Jake Parker stands alone to stop it.

Jake Parker works best alone. Ex-military, ex-detective, he has a specific set of skills that make him invaluable on top-secret operations. And still grieving his wife’s death, he has no personal ties which could compromise a mission.

But Jake does have an all-consuming anger towards Mel’s killers, cartel members who evaded justice. When he is recruited for a shady job in Puerto Rico, taking down the linchpin in a planned assassination of a US ambassador, Jake realizes that revenge is within reach as he discovers he’s been led to the person behind Mel’s death. This mission just got personal.

But as he sets his plan in motion, Jake learns something else. This attack is just the start of a much bigger plot against innocent US citizens. Jake is the only one in place to stop a campaign of terror from tearing his country apart, but it makes the man he wants untouchable, and worse, the cartel are now after him with ruthless and deadly determination. What price will Jake pay trying to save innocent American lives?




Jake Parker is still struggling with the past and when he is send on a mission to Puerto Rico, this might also be a good time to clear his head and think about where his future lies. 

His task is to assist, but Jake would not be Jake if this is all he would take on. 

He is a force to be reckoned with. He has of course a past that helps him to see through the traitors and track them down to put a stop to their actions.

He is the shining star in this action packed book finding himself surrounded by enemies. Jake is not one to be put out by this and he keeps on digging until he finds out the truth behind all the scheming.

While bullets fly left, right and center, I was dragged into this intriguing story whilst ducking behind the sofa to avoid being hit. ;). That’s how real it all felt. I liked the web of corruption and deceit Jake uncovered and was shock by how deceitful some people can be not caring who they hurt in the process. 5 stars

Thank you


About the author

Nick Thacker is the USA Today Bestselling Author of action-adventure thrillers and mysteries, including the Harvey Bennett Thrillers series. Often mentioned as a cross between Clive Cussler and James Rollins, his stories are written in a fast-paced, punchy style.

He lives on a volcano in Hawaii with his wife, two kids, and two dogs.


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