Stolen Kiss With Her Billionaire Boss by Susan Meier / #Interview #BlogTour @rararesources


Christmas has arrived…

And she’s spending it with her boss!

New Yorker Erin is intrigued when Hugo Harrington asks for her help on a hotel renovation in London, just weeks before Christmas! But Erin soon discovers how personal this project is to her brooding boss. Watching him wrestle with the memories of his past uncovers a side to Hugo she’s never seen. And then a stolen snowbound kiss changes everything…




– When and where do you prefer to write?  

I have an office in my house. I had it all nice and decorated with all my favorite furniture etc but a few years ago I started writing different places. I have a comfy chair in my bedroom and love the privacy there. I’ve written in my car, in coffee shops and on our back deck. I still have my office for administration and sometimes writing, but I like to sneak away too.

– Do you have a certain ritual?

 I live and die by rituals. LOL If I do things the same way, get up at the same time, have coffee, watch the news and immediately get to my desk for 4 hours of work…then I get lots done. If I deviate, I lose traction and don’t get as much done. I’m like this with diets and crocheting and even golfing. I call having rituals setting myself up for success. LOL

– Is there a drink or some food that keeps you company while you write?

I’m a big coffee drinker.

– What is your favourite book?

That is such a difficult question! I’m sure your fans agree! How does a person pick one book? But I do have favorite authors. Nora Roberts. Kristen Hannah. Jenna Kernan. Selena Blake.

– Do you consider writing a different genre in the future?

I’m actually working on a non-fiction How-to-Write book right now. J

– Do you sometimes base your characters on people you know?

Yes and no. I frequently base characters on a person’s personality or how they handled something. For instance, I’ve had friends who have survived cancer. I see the changes in their personalities and use that as part of a character’s persona. I have an acquaintance who loves clothes. Though I don’t use “her” in a book, that one character trait is interesting…and sometimes amusing. LOL

So I don’t really use an entire person, just bits and pieces of personalities. Especially triumphs or failures. J

– Do you take a notebook everywhere in order to write down ideas that pop up?

No. I used to. Now, I think my brain is a little more organized.

– Which genre do you not like at all?

Oddly, I’m not a fan of women’s fiction. Because it’s so closely related to romance, one would think I would love it. But I find it one dimensional…which is also odd because my friends who write it love creating those stories because they feel they can make them layered and interesting. I don’t see it. LOL But we all have our likes and dislikes. That’s what makes the world interesting and wonderful.

– If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

My friend, Jenna Kernan, comes up with THE BEST PLOTS. I’d love to cowrite one of them with her.

– If you should travel to a foreign country to do research, which one would you chose and why?

So many! I’d love to see London, so Britain would be on the list. I’ve written tons of books set in Italy…So I’d love to see Italy. I also wrote a book about winemaking in Spain that really made me want to go there. My husband was in the navy and he loved Spain. If there was a country I could convince him to make an 8-hour transatlantic flight for…it would probably be Spain.

But once I was in Europe, I’d go to London, Paris, Ireland, Scotland and Italy. LOL

Thank you, Susan Meier and Rachel’s Random Resources


About the author 

Susan Meier is a lover of a great story and a fabulous turn of phrase. What better home for her than Mills and Boon where stories touch the heart? She found her bliss when Harlequin published her first book and hasn’t looked back. A mom of three and wife to the best guy on the planet, she loves reading almost as much as writing, and thanks the heavens for the internet and YouTube which have made research so much fun.


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