Cake and Corruption by S.C. Merritt / #Interview #BlogTour @frolicblogtours


It’s wedding week and as mother of the bride, Glory wants her daughter’s wedding to be a day she’ll never forget. But when her address is found in the pocket of an unidentified body in a car crash, Glory’s biggest nightmare becomes reality. The past has followed her to Sweetwater Springs and it’s not going away without a fight. Can she solve the mystery and maybe even her husband’s two-year-old cold case murder in the process?




When and where do you prefer to write?

I have a full time job as a church secretary, so I do most of my writing in the evenings. But if I had a choice, I prefer to write in the mornings. If I ever leave the house to run errands, it’s hard for me to sit back down and get going. Our offices are closed on Friday, so I tend to spend most of my Fridays writing. Sometimes on Saturdays if it isn’t college football season. LOL

Do you need peace and quiet when you are wrting?

Yes, I definitely prefer that. After Covid hit my daughter and husband moved in with us and they, along with my husband lost their jobs and I was working remotely, so needless to say, it was grand central station. We have a schnauzer, too and she can be a little noisy when she’s ready to play. I don’t have a home office, so I write in the den. All the bedrooms are claimed by family. My dream is to have my own office where I can have total quiet and focus on the cozy world I’m writing at the moment.

If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

Ooooh, good question. I think I’d love to write with one of my favorite cozy authors. Maybe Hope Callaghan, CeeCee James or Cindy Bell.

Say someone asks if they can use your name in a book. Would you rather be the ‘good one’ or the ‘bad one’?

Good one, I think. I love plotting out ways to kill people, but I’d like to think I could never do it.

Who would you like/have liked to interview?

Caroline Graham. She writes the Chief Inspector Barnaby series that is the basis for Midsomer Murders. It’s amazing to me how you can come up with so many ways to kill people in such a small group of villages.

Where can I find you when you are reading?

In bed or in my chair in front of the fire. In the summer, I’m usually on my screened porch.

Where can I find you wen you are not writing/reading?

I love to travel (not lately), I love tropical locales, not too hot. My other kids live in Cali and we love to visit them.

What goes through your mind when you hold your new book in your hands for the first time?

Still some disbelief that I actually write things that people read. I never, ever set out to publish a book. I just thought I’d play around and see if I could write a story. But that was Jan 2020 and 6 books and 3 novellas later, here I am. I still have to pinch myself.

How do you come up with a title for your book?

I only have this one series so far, so when I started, I wanted one “nice” word and one “murder/crime” word. I use the central event of the story and pair it with a crime word starting with the same letter. I use the crime vocabulary word list and many other sites to find the word with just the right ring to it.

How do you pick a cover for your book?

I got on Amazon and looked at book after book in the cozy section to see which ones I was drawn to. I did the same on several cover designer sites. Once I decided what style I liked (illustrated, simple, colorful, blood) I got quotes from some designers and made a decision. My designer is amazing. She probably gets frustrated with me because I send her pictures of things all the time. I try to cobble together a really stinky version of what I have in my mind, but she always gets it and makes it look awesome.

Thank you, S.C. Merritt and Frolic Blog Tours


About the Author

S.C. Merritt writes cozy mysteries featuring female sleuths, plots with a twist, lots of humor, and a little sprinkle of romance. Her Sweetwater Springs Southern Mystery Series is set in a small, Alabama town full of quirky characters, delicious restaurants, and lots of murder. Recipes are included in each book.

When not writing, she is traveling, watching classic movies and tv shows, or collecting flamingos.

She lives in Mississippi with her husband and miniature Schnauzer, Izzy and dreams of living in a tropical locale someday.


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S.C. Merritt Cozy Mystery E-Book 

Runs March 4-19, 2021

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