Chateau Laux By David Loux / #Interview #BlogTour @maryanneyarde @ChateauLaux



A young entrepreneur from a youthful Philadelphia, chances upon a French aristocrat and his family living on the edge of the frontier. Born to an unwed mother and raised by a disapproving and judgmental grandfather, he is drawn to the close-knit family. As part of his courtship of one of the patriarch’s daughters, he builds a château for her, setting in motion a sequence of events he could not have anticipated.




When and where do you prefer to write?

I will write anywhere anytime, and when I was younger, would jot thoughts down on brown paper bags, cocktail napkins, even the palm of my hand. Being older and hopefully wiser now, I am more disciplined on my approach and a better writer for it. Mostly I write at my desk in the morning, though will still yield to the spirit when it moves.

Do you need peace and quiet when you are writing?

I use meditation to facilitate my writing, so the answer would have to be yes. That said, I also have a physical exercise regime and find that moving my body often shakes a thought or two loose in the process. My fitness routines can take very long if I have to keep dashing to my desk to jot down an idea.

If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

I’d have to say I am very drawn to strong, fearless spirits and, but for her passing, US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have been my hands down choice. While diminutive in stature, she had a blazing intellect that made her bigger than life. She had passion, warmth and even a sense of humor, God bless her. Ruth is no longer an option, obviously, but I would hope to find another person with the qualities she represented so well. A shared endeavor with a person of such commitment, perseverance and intelligence would be thrilling.

Say someone asks if they can use your name in a book. Would you rather be the ‘good one’ or the ‘bad one’?

This is a difficult question, as good and bad can be fairly subjective distinctions. Let’s just say I would hope to be interesting, whatever value was placed on my role.

Who would you like/have liked to interview?

It would be amazing to interview Salmon Rushdie, as a living author who has risked much in his work. I know he has been interviewed often, but it would be a privilege to get to talk to him in person about issues relating to transparency, with I personally struggle with. If I could miraculously interview someone from the past, it would be Henrik Ibsen. His portrayal of the “life lie” in The Wild Duck was a milestone in my reading experience.

Where can I find you when you are reading?

I have a favorite chair where reading comes easy. I also read on airplanes and motel rooms when I travel, which as you can imagine hasn’t happened in a while. I also read in bed, of course.

Where can I find you wen you are not writing/reading?

Physical fitness is important to me, so when I am not at my desk you might find me at the gym or jogging on a country road. Speaking of the road, I live in the Sierras and had an interesting encounter with a mountain lion that might make a good story someday.

What goes through your mind when you hold your new book in your hands for the first time?

A printed book is usually a collaboration involving several contributors who all have valuable input. Editors, cover artists, designers and others play important roles. I have to say that when I first held Chateau Laux in my hand, I was overcome by the tunnelling focus of the cover image, the elegance of the design, and the professionalism of the editorial work. Books start out in a writer’s head, of course; but holding Chateau Laux in my hand and seeing it as a finished product for the first time was very moving.

How do you come up with a title for your book?

I have a difficult time with titles. In the case of Chateau Laux, one of my characters helped me out, by providing a focal point that lingered after the story ended. Thank you, Lawrence.

How do you pick a cover for your book?

A number of my writer friends have identified the cover as something that they regret not paying enough attention to. With this in mind, I played a very active role in development the cover image for Chateau Laux. I spent a considerable amount of thought determining the visual concept I wanted to convey. Then, I worked closely with an artist who fleshed out the image. In other words, cover development was a creative activity all its own. Inherent in this process was a willingness to risk failure, and an early concept that was truly a thing of beauty had to be scrapped. But I am very happy with the end result and hope that readers feel the same.

Thank you, David Loux and The Coffee Pot Book Club


About the Author 

David Loux is a short story writer who has published under pseudonym and served as past board member of California Poets in the Schools. Chateau Laux is his first novel. He lives in the Eastern Sierra with his wife, Lynn.


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