Small Forgotten Moments by Annalisa Crawford / #Interview #BlogTour @zooloo2008 @AnnalisaCrawf @VineLeavesPress


Is Zenna a muse, a sleep-deprived apparition, or something much more sinister?

Suffering long-term amnesia, artist Jo Mckye is ready to start a fresh, new project after the success of her debut exhibition. But the fictional subject of the collection, Zenna, won’t let go so easily. Infiltrating Jo’s dreams—and increasingly, her waking hours—Zenna is fast becoming a dangerous obsession.

Jo is confident the answers lie at her childhood home, an idyllic Cornish village on the south-east coast; she just doesn’t know why. Only when she walks into the sea and almost drowns does the past start to unravel.




When and where do you prefer to write?

First drafts and early scribblings take place curled up on my sofa in front of the TV – something easy to watch, that I’ve seen a hundred times before, will be on, so I won’t really be watching. I write by hand at that point, so it’s easy to do anywhere.

Once I’m ready to type it up, I’ll be at my desk – which moves around depending on whether my kids are at home, at uni, moving out for good, returning. Our third bedroom is a tiny box room – ideal as a study, but transformed into a bedroom when needed.

Do you need peace and quiet when you are writing?

That depends on what I’m working on. Some novels have had playlists, others have the radio. With my current WIP I’m either in silence, because the character is for most of the book, or I’ll listen to Classical FM which I’ve just started to enjoy. I think that’s an age thing though.

If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

I don’t think I’d ever want to co-write a book, to be honest. I’m a bit of a control freak and we’d end up having almighty arguments. I’m best left to myself.

Say someone asks if they can use your name in a book. Would you rather be the ‘good one’ or the ‘bad one’?

The baddies are so much more fun, aren’t they? And also, I’m pretty good in real life, so it would be interesting to flip it around for my alter-ego.

Who would you like/have liked to interview?

I’d love to interview Professor Brian Cox, because I’m fascinated by what he talks about and yet unable to get much further than ‘Hello, tonight I’m going to talk about…’ If I was in charge of the questions, I’d be able to go back and ask him to make it much simpler for me.

Where can I find you when you are reading?

My sofa again – I really like it there. I’m not a fan of reading in bed, I can never get the pillows quite right.

Where can I find you wen you are not writing/reading?

At the gym, in a field walking my dog, in coffee shops with friends, and finding hidden treasures in charity shops.

What goes through your mind when you hold your new book in your hands for the first time?

There’s nothing quite like the nerves and excitement and anticipation. I’m like a kid at Christmas. I always check my name, because one of the first literary journals I was published in spelt it incorrectly.

How do you come up with a title for your book?

Most of the time the title comes first. With Small Forgotten Moments, because it was previously a different story – albeit with the same characters – the title I had no longer fitted, so I did a lot of mind-mapping and jotting notes. I fixed on the final title because Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng was stuck in my head and I liked the rhythm of it.

I have the title for my work-in-progress already, but I don’t share it with anyone until the book is finished. It’s my little superstition.

How do you pick a cover for your book?

I don’t pick the covers. My publisher at Vine Leaves Press, Jessica Bell, is also a very talented cover designer – she asks for suggestions before she starts, but her designs are always far better than anything I could imagine.

Thank you, Annalisa Crawford and ZooLoo’s Book Toiurs


About the author 

Annalisa Crawford lives in Cornwall, UK, with a good supply of moorland and beaches to keep her inspired. She lives with her husband, two sons, and canine writing partner, Artoo. She is the author of four short story collections, and two novels.


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