The Wakening by JG Faherty / #Interview #BlogTour @zooloosBT @JGFaherty @FlameTreePress


Fifty years ago, Father Leo Bonaventura, a young exorcist, cast a demon out from a young boy in Central America. The demon, Asmodeus, vowed revenge. Now the demon has returned, in the same town where Bonaventura is a retired priest nearing the end of his life. At the same time, the possession of a young girl brings together an unlikely group of people, all of whom are linked in their pasts in some way: A group of paranormal investigators, including twin psychics. Robert Lockhart, a defrocked priest with a dark secret that only the twins know. A father whose dead wife was a college girlfriend of Robert’s and once conjured an evil spirit with him through a Ouiji board. Now they must all join forces and help Father Bonaventura rid the town not only of Asmodeus, but also the plague of poltergeists that have followed the demon into our world.




When and where do you prefer to write?

Most of the time I write at my computer (PC, never a laptop!) in my office. Occasionally, if I’m stuck on something and need to work it out, or if I’m doing a rough outline, I work with paper and pen in a notebook. Then it can be anywhere – office, beach, backyard – as long as it’s quiet.

Do you need peace and quiet when you are writing?

Absolutely! No music, no sounds. I have to write in silence. However, when I edit, I enjoy having music on low, usually some Halloween tunes or maybe some 80s alt music, like The Cure, The Smiths, Duran Duran, etc. 

If you had the chance to co-write a book. Whom would it be with?

Hmmm. That’s a tough one. I guess one of my writing heroes, like Stephen King, Dean Koontz, or the late Karl Edward Wagner.

Say someone asks if they can use your name in a book. Would you rather be the ‘good one’ or the ‘bad one’?

It wouldn’t matter to me. I think it’s fun to be mentioned in a book, whether hero, villain, or the guy who gets eaten by the monster!

Who would you like/have liked to interview?

First off, Stephen King. He’s one of the few people in the horror industry who I haven’t met yet. Aside from that, I’ve gotten to interview so many of the writers I admire, or grew up reading, that this is a hard question to answer. 

Where can I find you when you are reading?

Anywhere! I pretty much read everything on the Kindle now, even if I have a hardcopy of the book, simply because it’s so much easier. I can read on my phone, I keep a Kindle on my nightstand, and I keep another one next to my chair in the family room. I bring the Kindle on vacation. And what’s great is, whichever one you pick up, it automatically syncs to where you left off on a different Kindle, so I don’t have to worry about bringing a book from 1 room to another, or packing it in a suitcase. I used to bring 10 books with me on vacation – you know how heavy that is?? Plus, now there are no books cluttering the end tables in the house. They all stay nice and neat in my bookcases.

Where can I find you when you are not writing/reading?

Depends. I try to relax an hour a day by playing my guitars. I also enjoy building and painting guitars. On the weekends, my wife and I like getting out, visiting small towns, finding new restaurants or distilleries or wineries, that sort of thing. At night, after work, you’ll find me watching tv or reading for a couple of hours before bed.

What goes through your mind when you hold your new book in your hands for the first time?

So many things! It’s a great feeling to see the finished product that you spend so much of the last year working on. There’s a sense of pride; “I did this!” There’s fear – “will people like it?” There’s anticipation – “I hope this is a big one!” And there’s a weird feeling that’s really hard to describe. Whenever I’m writing a book, I always believe it’s not as good as the ones I wrote before it. But when I get that box of books from the publisher, it reminds me that I am pretty good at this writing thing, and I need to keep doing it.

How do you come up with a title for your book?

There’ve been many different ways. Sometimes, the title just comes to me, and the idea follows. Other times I get the idea and that sparks the title. And then there are times like with THE WAKENING where I have to really work the title out with my editor, because my first choices and his first choices were already taken by other books and movies. So we really have to dig into the plot and feel of the book and come up with something that describes it in just a few words. I like my titles to have multiple meanings, which makes it harder. For instance, THE WAKENING can refer to several different things in this book. The big bad evil, the changing self-awareness of some of the characters, the opening of the mind to new ideas.

How do you pick a cover for your book?

I really enjoy the process of doing covers with my publisher. I send them a break down of the book – a 2-3 paragraph synopsis, descriptions of the main characters, the theme, the setting, and some ideas I have for what I want included in the cover.

That all goes to the artists. They come up with a rough concept, which my editor and I review. If we like it, they make a more detailed version. If not, back to the drawing board. During my time with Flame Tree, I have to say that I’ve been very happy with all my covers – rarely do we need to change anything, and if so, it’s always minor, like moving something over an inch or shifting where the lettering is. I’ve been very lucky over the course of my career, with different publishers – I’ve got more than 20 books in print, and only twice was I not completely happy with a cover.

Thank you, JG Faherty and Zooloo’s Book Tours


About the author

A life-long resident of New York’s haunted Hudson Valley, JG Faherty has been a finalist for both the Bram Stoker Award® (THE CURE, GHOSTS OF CORONADO BAY) and ITW Thriller Award (THE BURNING TIME), and he is the author of 8 novels, 11 novellas, and more than 75 short stories. He writes adult and YA horror, science fiction, paranormal romance, and urban fantasy. He grew up enthralled with the horror movies and books of the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, and as a child his favorite playground was a 17th-century cemetery. Which explains a lot.


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